All of my collected/ purchased works include a Certificate of Authenticity.
- Kelly Jean Gillow

My Artist Statement:
It's neat how a blank canvas is just that until someone comes along and paints life on it. I get excited when I see a blank canvas or paper. I love paint brushes and bright colorful art supplies, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils and crayons. In most of my work I enjoy experimenting with different mixed mediums and various tools. I absolutely love mixing colors and creating patchworks of new colors and textures. My collection of digital paint tools have become some of my favorite tools to work with and have opened up an entirely new creative world for me.
My artwork is a collaboration of inspirations through my very own looking glass influenced mainly by my natural environment and all things I love most. Those inspirations are mixed with a whirlwind of imaginative thought and I think up stories on these subjects, then my artwork is produced. My passion for art and my love of illustrating and writing for children resonates with my inner feeling of still being a kid myself! I love subjects such as the wonders of the oceans deep and the undiscovered creatures inhabiting it, mysteries of our outer universe and space, unusual & exotic animals that exist, the beauty in all of life, fire fly's blinking in the dark and things that sparkle, swim and fly. I think up fun-childlike thoughts on my subjects like, "What story would an old vintage green bottle tell you?" or "What if bugs were not tiny and whales were not big?!
The splendid mysteries of human thought and perception fascinates me. In most of my works, not all but most, I first think about my subject and creatively I imagine the different ways one would perceive the subject, the different viewpoints one may take on a subject. I then I ask myself, "How can I create this subject differently than one would typically perceive it? How can I create a fun, colorful new view point on a subject to stimulate the inner child that is within all of us?"
Kelly Jean Gillow

Featured Children's Illustrations

Country Home Learning & Art Center, LLC Kelly Gillow Art
Saylorsburg, Pa.